A wooden structure for refugees in the Roya valley, on the Italian-French border.

At the beginning of August, I spent a few days in the Roya valley to help special people who are doing an exceptional job to welcome the refugees and to respect their rights. I stayed only 2 and a half days, so I tried to do what I could. Specifically, I created a partially overhanging wooden structure, which constitutes a solid base for the construction of bathrooms and showers dedicated to the people welcomed by the DTC association. Here you find their FB page to be able to follow their news: https://www.facebook.com/DefendsTaCitoyennete/ I hope our contribution is helpful and can help …


Dans le cadre de l’intervention du notre collectif EXYZT à la Panacée de Montpellier pour le festival Tropisme 2015, j’ai réalisé una cabane Tete à Tete dédiée à la convivialité et au partage. Enjoy.